Friday 15 January 2016

Voice Portfolio - Entry 1

Vocal Development Programme – Entry 01
Monday 11th January 2016
Exercise Used
Vocal Characteristics
Silent – a lot of whispering.
Breathy – inhales and exhales through the nose.
Precise – clarity and pacing in speech.
Vocal Reflection
Posture – Slouched, laid back, and relaxed.
Tension Points – Lower back and shoulders.
Breathing Capacity and Control – Nasally and averagely paced.
Resonance and Projection – A minimal projected volume level.
Diction and Articulation – Clear and precise in my sentences and delivery.
Delivery – Clear, well-paced, and to a low whisper level.
Received Feedback
Breath Control
Areas of Improvement
Posture – find relaxed and focus points to improve projection, diction, and remove tension points.
Resonance and Projection – to find a new level of volume to improve clarity and delivery and support day-to-day speech.
Practice Vocal Exercises – my goal for the next entry is to practice a physical exercise to see any improvements in my vocal state.

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