Monday 11 January 2016

Vocal Development Programme

Vocal Development Programme

Wednesday 6th January 2016

     For our next Voice assignment I will be analyzing my own vocal characteristics and exploring how vocal exercises and techniques can support my development as a vocal performer for both stage and audio performances.  For this first post I will give a brief description of my current vocal characteristic state, strengths, and any areas for future improvement.  In future posts I will monitor my vocal progression and make evidence of any exercises that support my progression as a performer.

Description of Vocal Characteristics

Physical Posture –                           Physically I do find unwanted tensions within my shoulders and chest captivity and this does have an effect on my posture as I fidget, until I find relaxation.

Rhythm and Articulation –             When rehearsing I like to memorize my lines through repetition, this allows me to gain an exceptional rhythm, in my projection of my lines.  Although I sometimes hesitate when articulating my ‘t’s and ‘th’s.

Breath Support –                              Learning and memorizing a rhythm to my speech does support my breath capacity, as I know precise points to inhale and exhale.

Projection and Pitch & Tone –       When it comes to projection, I feel I have mastered the appropriate stage voice, to an extent where I am not screaming my lines and I am inflicting the appropriate pitch and tone residence suited for my character.

What will I explore in future reflective entries?

     Identifying my vocal characteristics I have analyzed certain Strengths and Areas of

Improvement.  Currently my strengths are:

1.      Speech Rhythm Pacing

2.      Breath Support/Control

3.      and Pitch & Tone Variations.

     Plus my areas of improvement currently are:

1.      Find Relaxation for Posture

2.      Breathing Exercises to support Projection

3.      and Physical Warmups to Practice and Develop Articulation.

     In future posts I will be making a weekly entry reflecting my Vocal Development Programme, where I will be highlighting my:

1.      Vocal Characteristic State

2.      Strengths

3.      Areas of Improvement

4.      Vocal Exercises

5.      Evidence

6.      and Vocal Analysis.

     All highlighting and identifying my vocal characteristic progression, any new strengths or weaknesses I have gained, what vocal exercises I used for support, as well as keeping photographic or video evidence of myself practicing these exercises, and concluding with a self-analysis of my updated vocal characteristic’s state.  All marking my progression as a performer.

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