Monday 25 January 2016

Audio Ensemble - Post 03

Audio Ensemble Performance

December 2015

     It was in this week that we finalised research plans and concluded to turn our full attention to rehearsals.  Our main research areas of focus were:

Setting –                     Where are they?

Answer -                    In our previous sessions we established, based on lines of dialogue that the play is set in the South of England.  In a small town, full of market streets, where Lovvie, her sister Norah, and her family earn their livings.  The town also has a small theatre, where John takes Lovvie, and a church hall, which is where they rehearse.  The script also depicts a gypsy traveller site, where our lead characters live, which I imagined would be walking distance away.    

Characters –              What are they?

Answer -                    We envisioned our characters to be unique and identifiable vocally, all the while inflicting a sense of stereotypes.  For example, Lovvie and her family scripted speeches are written to have a similarity to “chavs” from the South of England.  Therefore performances as gypsy characters will be stereotypical enhanced, to ensure they have their own identity and audience members can envision who is who.  In comparison, my character, John is a well-educated drama teacher, who lived in London for a select period of time, therefore I will be sticking closely to my neutral Southern English accent.  Thereby ensuring the character’s identity, amongst the other characters and his ability to stand out for the audience.

The Play –                 What is it?

Answer -                    The radio play, ‘Atching Tan’, is a contemporary piece of drama that offers new twists to story lines we have seen/heard of before.  The love triangle offers a unique spin on the ‘Romeo & Juliet’ tragedy.  The setting offers a perspective on real matters/issues in today’s lifestyle.  But the characters offer a relatable brand of storytelling that will enthral audience members to listen on.

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