Saturday 27 February 2016

Voice Portfolio - Entry 5

Vocal Development Programme – Entry 05
Wednesday 24th February 2016
Exercise Used
Two ‘National Theatre’ Vocal Warmup Workshop Videos: Breathing -
Vocal Characteristics
-          Raspy
-          Crisp
-          Throat Resonated
-          Articulate
-          Breathy
-          Cheat Resonated
Vocal Reflection
     I found these warmup videos very helpful and efficient in telling me how to improve breathing and resonance control.  These exercises helped we deeply with:
-          Breath Control
-          Muscle Control/Warmups (particularly with the lungs, diaphragm, and vocal folds)
-          Posture
-          Pitch and Tone Variations (this was my area for improvement from the previous session, and breath control and throat resonance supported my adaptability).
-          Articulation Delivery
-          Pacing
-          and Removed Areas of Tension.
Received Feedback
     I did notice a considerable amount of difference in my vocal delivery post-exercise; not only could I breathe and resonate to a better extent, I felt extremely comfortable during and after the exercises.  I was able to warmup multiple areas of my body, in and out, I found comfort and relaxation so there were no tensions throughout rehearsals and vocal delivery.
-          Breath Control
-          Muscle Movement
-          Posture
-          Articulation
-          and Variation Adaptability.
Areas of Improvement
Volume – while the majority of these exercises were positive and beneficial, I did particularly notice that there was often a lack of volume in my vocal delivery.  An area for improvement, especially if these exercises would be used for performance preparation.   

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