Tuesday 9 February 2016

Voice Portfolio - Entry 3

Vocal Development Programme – Entry 03
Wednesday 27th January 2016
Exercise Used
Facial and Throat Physical Warmups:
Vocal Characteristics
Precise – using these exercises, during both Restoration and Audio Ensemble rehearsals, I ensured clarity in my breath control and articulation.
Strong – consisted through my throat resonators I captivated strong pitch and tone state.
Vocal Reflection
Lacking Tension Points – these exercises were extremely beneficial, when it came to removing tension points, particularly in the facial and throat captivities.
Throat Massage/Warmup Benefits – this exercise supported my breath control/capacity, articulation and diction, and projection.  It was in this exercise that I was able to warm up both my vocal folds and larynx.  This released carbon dioxide, expelling old concealed bad energy, and inhaling new and better energy to benefit the body.
Received Feedback
Feedback given during Restoration and Audio Ensemble Rehearsals:
-          Strong Delivery
-          Gave Precise Articulation
-          Supported Vocal Infliction.
Breath Control
Finding Relaxation
Areas of Improvement
Standing Posture – while these warmups supported my facial and throat captivities, where I found relaxation and perfected my vocal performance focusing on those areas, I still found unwanted tensions within my standing posture.  Therefore for future exercises I aim to focus on physical exercises/warmups that supporting my entire standing posture.
Pacing – these warmups, however, did not support my pacing during the rehearsal sessions.  While I kept at an average pace, good enough for the rehearsals, I did hesitate and struggle with key line delivery that needed to at a fast pace.  Therefore I aim to find new techniques that can support this area in particular.

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