Saturday 6 February 2016

Voice Portfolio - Entry 2

Vocal Development Programme – Entry 02
Tuesday 19th January 2016
Exercise Used
Breath Control and Humming (to warmup my vocal folds and support vocal delivery in rehearsals).
Vocal Characteristics
Breathy – more inhales and exhales through the mouth.
Precise – clarity and pacing in speech.
Deep – throat resonated delivery.
Vocal Reflection
Posture – Slouched, laid back, and relaxed.
Tension Points – Lower back and shoulders.
Breathing Capacity and Control – Throat resonated and projected through the mouth at an average pace.
Resonance and Projection – A better paced and controlled speech pattern.
Diction and Articulation – While slurred in certain words, I was often clear and precise in my delivery.
Delivery – Clear, well-paced, and to a low whisper level.
Received Feedback
Feedback given during Restoration Rehearsals:
-          Clear
-          Adaptable
-          Strong
-          Emotions inflicted to a good extent.
Breath Control
Areas of Improvement
Posture – often finding myself leaning on one side, or slouching, I need to find a strong upright posture to further support my projection and ensure constant articulation.  
Articulation – to ensure I do not mumble or slur any lines during rehearsals or performance.
Practice Other Resonations – I had constant throat resonation within my speech this week and I aim to focus on chest and nasal captivity to see if there are any improvements.

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