Wednesday 25 November 2015

Observations of the Voice - Voice and the Actor

Observations of the Voice
Friend – Luke Engelen :
Famous Person – Ben Whinshaw:
What kind of tone is their voice?
Mixed, he can vary in a high and low tone of voice.
Low, in a sense of mature and calculative state of voice.
How fast or slow do they speak?
Often staying at an average pace, he can speed up or slow down his pacing if necessary.
Averagely paced.
Do they pause a lot?
Yes, even when expressing passionate point of views or in deep thought he can pause to think through.
Not often, only for dramatic effect.
Do they find it difficult to project?
No, when performing he gives exceptional projection, even when expressing his thoughts.
No, he keeps to a good volume and only projects at a louder volume to express deep thought.
Do they articulate their words?
Sometimes, when words are unclear or unheard of to him, he can hesitate.
Yes, for dramatic effect.
What is their pitch like?
Mixed, judging by emotional response he can express high or low pitch in voice.
Low, to support the mature/low tone.
Do they embrace certain words?
Yes, for express and dramatic effect.
Yes, for dramatic effect.
Do they speak in one tone?
No, he varies based on the current scenario.
No, he stays at a calm/low tone.
Do they have any specific difficulties when pronouncing certain words?
Sometimes, based on whether the words are unclear or unheard of.
No, I haven’t seen any flaws with his pronunciation of any vocabulary text.
Do you like their voice?  If so, why?
Yes, it can vary in pattern to change perception.  It can give a comedic sense to his personality.  Plus it adds an increasing sense of theatre to his voice.  All admirable and entertaining.
Yes, it has a sense of wisdom and will about it.  It makes me believe he knows what he’s talking about and has a precise pattern of speaking.  Plus he articulates with such exception that I truly admire each word that exhales from his mouth.
Do you dislike their voice?  If so, why?
No, while the shifts in pattern are noticeable, it is still a nice and fun voice to listen to.
No, so far I haven’t seen any flaws with his vocal performances.
Is their voice loud/voluminous?
Sometimes, it varies in pattern and he can sometimes project to a louder state than previously.
Not often, he tends to keep his voice at lower tone, and only extends loudly when needed to.
Is their voice quiet?
No, I cannot recall a session of a quieter tone.
No, it is at a decent tone when it is clear and understandable.
Is their voice deep?
No, while varying in pattern it is certainly not deep, it hasn’t pushed this boundary of complete low and deep.
No, it is precise and calm.  Not deep and menacing.
Is it high/low?
Mostly high, but can cross into an average tone that is a perfect blend of high and low.
Low, as far as I’ve seen he hasn’t projected and high pitched/toned voice.
Is it strong?
Yes, it can be, especially when expressing points and telling stories.
Extremely, I can understand each spoken word and he inflects such emotion to a believable state.
Is it weak?
No, it always stays at an energised tone that it hasn’t been weak.
No, it is strong and sometimes powerful.
Is it shaky?
Yes, often varying, but fun to listen to.
No, it rarely shifts tone.
Is it husky?
No, it ca be more precise than husky.
No, it is very precise.
Is it crisp?
Sometimes, like the tone it varies between clear and crisp.
No, it is more clear than crisp.
Is it clipped?
Sometimes, as his vocal pattern varies.
No, it keeps to a good and well-paced pattern.
Is it drowning?
No, he never loses energy.
Never, it is always on point.
Is it nasal?
No, his projection is purely through the mouth.
Sometimes, vocalisation is expressed deeply and nasal captivity is the way forward.
Is it squeaky?
No, with an average tone, it is never squeaky.
No, he cannot project squeaky with a low tone of voice.
Is it crackly?
No, his average tone ensures no cracks within his projection and pronunciation.
No, it is perfectly patterned.
Is it raspy?
No, while mixed and varying in tone, it hasn’t been visibly raspy.
No, he hasn’t given any indication of raspy projection in his voice.
Is it distorted?
Somewhat, because of its unclear and varying pattern many could make the assumption that it is distorted.  All in all it is a nice and equally unusual voice to listen to.
No, it is clear, precise, and admirable.


1 comment:

  1. How a person think a person sound ALONG WITH how an individual this year sound are generally a couple of various other voices. in It sense, This really is just like comparing apples to oranges. They can both be fruits AND ALSO they will certainly both always be round but That is where the similarities end.must read
