Saturday 27 September 2014

Voice Portfolio: Voice Assessment of Family Member and Famous Person

Observations of the Voice
     In this assessment I am observing two subjects, observing either a friend or a family member, and a famous person/actor.  I shall use this observation to give myself a better understanding of what make one person’s voice so unique.  As well as observing what makes the two subjects voices so unique and suit to their own personality. 
     After answering a series of questions I have come to a conclusion as to how incredible/unique their own voices really are.
Task One – A Family Member: My Brother
     To begin with, the first question concerned my brother tone of voice.  From my observation I discovered that he has a rather deep and slightly quiet tone to his voice, but at the same time it is changeable.  In the sense of, given the circumstances, he can give himself the chances to make himself vocally aware and bring his tone to a louder state, should there comes a time if he needed to give a presentation/speech.
     Secondly to observe was his pacing for when he speaks, the question was whether he spoke fast or slow.  In answering I stated that he has an average pacing, in the sense of him taking his time, when casually speaking, but can accelerate his pacing to suit his speech.
     Thirdly a curious question, questioning whether they pause a lot, in reply, I observed, and the answer was a no.  Linking to his pacing, in the fact that he likes to take his time in his speech, results in less need for pauses.  However should there be given a circumstance where he is thought tracking, whilst speaking, or reading aloud, there may more uses of pausing, but for these occasions it would be acceptable given the fact that he would be more focused on what he’s think, or what he’s reading, rather than what he’s saying.
     After covering his tone and pacing, the next question asked whether they find it difficult to project.  From observation I discovered that only sometimes does he find it difficult to project his voice.  In the sense that he understands how to make himself more acknowledgeable when speaking, but doesn’t always put emphasis into a particular word, or phrase, and can be quite hesitant when it is needed for him to project.
     Now the next question asked about if they put articulation into their words, and in a simple answer, yes he does.  While going back to his projection, and not putting enough emphasis into certain words, I did observe the fact that he can speak fluently given the fact that he knows what subject he is talking about.  As well as slightly committing very well to certain words in uttering them clearly and in distinct syllables.
     The next and possibly easiest question, for me, to answer was what is their pitch like?  In reply, his pitch is rather low.  Reason being, and linking to his pacing and awareness of speaking, he keeps his voice at a low average pace to, in a way, keep to himself.  But should there comes a time when he would need to pick up the pacing of his speech, his pitch might turn higher, but only briefly.
     Do they emphasise certain words?  This question links in greatly to his projection and articulation.  As I stated before he doesn’t particularly put emphasise into his words, but once again it is changeable, and he had, and can, emphasis any words should it link into his current state of mood and atmosphere he is in.
     Going back to questions concerning his tone of voice, the next question asked whether he speaks in one tone.  To which I observed and discovered that he has a rather monotone to his voice.  In the fact that he often keeps his voice at a deep and rather slow tone, and once again can variously change.
     Do they have any specific difficulties when pronouncing certain words?  Observing and responding with a no, however he can find it difficult if there came a time when he would have to pronounce a word he had not come across before.
     Now these next two questions concerned me personally and what I think of his voice, and whether I like or dislike it.  In my answer I stated I disliked his voice.  Now my reasons are because I don’t always hear a lot of enthusiasm when he speaks aloud, and I do see potential for him to perhaps build confidence and deliver an interesting and intriguing story.  Secondly I would like for there to be a time where he could articulate more when speaking without their having to be an occasion or event.  To back this up, usually in his speech he keeps it all at a low tone and pitch, giving a slightly weak impression, ever though his voice is weak at all.  But I personally would like to see a time where he would speak fluently, clearly and detailed about his day or about a story he heard about, meaning less of an occasion concerning the whole family where everybody has a story to tell and he would have to join in, and without that it would make his speech more interesting.  My final reason for why I dislike his voice is because there is little personality behind it.  Yet I do see that this can be accomplished over time, but to this present day it remains to be appearing as blank, nasal and rather weak.  Even though his voice is none of the above, it still gives off that slight impression.  Therefore I do see him achieving these points over time, but currently it doesn’t seem to have that confident feeling to join in with his physical personality traits.
Task Two – Famous Person: Actor Benedict Cumberbatch
     Stage and screen actor Benedict Cumberbatch is my chosen famous person to observe and explore his vocal work.  After watching video clips where the actor give an interview I observed and answered the same questions concerning his voice traits.
     Beginning with the curiosity on the actors tone, pitch and pacing, I observed and gained these answers.  When it came to his tone in voice, I gave an answer of him having a loud tone.  Not in the sense that he constantly projects deeply and doesn’t take his time, but more of in the fact that his keeps his voice at an average volume so it is understandable and others do not miss a single letter when he is speaking.  This links into his pacing, as I mentioned earlier the actor likes to take his time when  speaking, whether it is in an interview or if he’s delivering a monologue, he takes his time and ensures that his message if delivered across to the audience, and they fully understand what he is speaking about.  Going back towards the actors pitch in his voice it comes across as a medium pitch, in the sense that it isn’t an insanely high pitch voice, and it isn’t a deep and bruiting pitch either.  In my eyes and ears his pitch is at the perfect level when he can change it at will.  An example would be for, as his job role as an actor, his creation or replication of characters and other actors voices.  As well as projecting real meaning into his speech.  Like presenting emotion verbally and creating a character with little physicality and more verbal use.
     Linking into those previous points for when it comes to the actor’s articulation, it does give an excellent example of how an individual should take/control their speech patterns.  As the actor does take his time when speaking there is also the concept that he knows what he is talking about, and can, at will, fluently speak to a faster pace but can still give full detail in the words he uses and what he is talking about.  Joining that could be the actors little difficulty when it comes to pronouncing certain words.  As he has been educated, in not only the performing arts, but in the English language, he has little to worry about for when it comes to his pronunciation in his speeches, making his voice all the more interesting and intriguing.  
     Now it all comes down to the final question that concerns my personal opinion of Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice; whether I like or dislike his voice.  Personally I really like his voice.  The reason being is that it all comes down to his presentation of words and/or a full monologue.  I like the way he keeps the enthusiasm active, even in the simplest of his speeches, and can still keep the detail so that no one loses interest.   As well as increasing emphasise in certain words all the more backs up his methods of keeping audiences interested and ensures that they do not fade away from what they are witnessing.  But what I find extremely fascinating with his voice is his ability to change his pitch and tone at will to form these characters vocally.  Changing his pitch, tone and projection to succeed in bring his characters, or even his own personality traits, to all the more keep us interested and entertained, which is why I think of Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice as a superb narrative and descriptive voice, the perfect voice for a stage and screen actor.


1 comment:

  1. Please rename this blog post 'Voice Portfolio: Voice Assessment of family member and famous person'
