Saturday 27 September 2014

Week Three Part Two - Course Option 1

Course Option 1: LAMDA

How do I get there?
What is the Training?
What does the institution offer?
     In order to achieve my ambitions of succeeding in the performing arts industry, and hope to get a career out of stage and screen acting, the perfect training institution where I would be further educated and given the chances and experiences would be at LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts).  The course that seems to be right for my hopes and ambitions is BA (Hons) Professional Acting.  In taking part in this three year course I will strengthen my physicality, emotional, intellectual, and creativeness in order to succeed in the professional standard of acting.
     Throughout the training within the course, I would take part in classes which explore acting, improvisation, voice, movement, singing, textual analysis and interpretation, Alexander Technique, physical theatre, stage combat and dance, including audio and screen performance.  These classes, like modules would allow me to experience secondary method and techniques, which all link into the courses main projects.  Not only that, but the supporting classes/modules are also spread throughout the three years of the entire course, beginning with expanding what students already know in the course work, in acting and performing arts, and extending it to a new and professional standard in order to succeed in this field of performing. 
     Administration to the course is simple, in to applying an application online, and then going to the University to take part in the audition process.  The minimum entry age for applying to this course is 18, and there is no upper age limit.  As well as there being no academic prerequisites for the course. But as they recommended on the website: applicants must be fluent in the English language. 
     However one negative in amongst all these positive outcomes of the BA (Hons) Professional Acting course with LAMDA, is the location.  When it comes to travelling to the University located in London, that may be an issue for visits from family members and annual holiday trips home may at first seem to be a difficulty, and possibly the strongest negative outcome.  But if I was to head down this road to continue my five year plan, travel issue may be rectified.  Plus the end result would be a positive outcome as my ambitions of gaining a career in acting would be a couple of steps closer, and personally I feel this course is, what has been reviewed as, one of the best universities when the individual is in a position to continue their education in acting.

What skills/requirements do I need to get in?
     “We ask only for talent, passion and a commitment to learn.”  As stated by the course managers themselves, there are no academic qualifications and grades required, as long as students wish to head down the roads of professional acting then the university is very happy to welcome many more students.
     The audition and interview process consists of two or three weeks’ notice for when students audition shall take place after students applied via the LAMDA website.  Auditioning requires for students to memorise and perform a monologue of their choice and to perform in front of their interviewer and course manager. 
     In the students written application students are to state what experiences they have had in the past concerning the main theme of the course.  What the course means to them.  As well as what they would like to get out of this course.  Personally I would state that I have had experiences in taking small parts to begin with in school productions, then receiving larger performing parts in college productions, including taking job roles back stage and experience other form of performing arts, such as dance and singing.  But what I would like to get out of this course is to extend my understanding and experiences in acting and hope to expand to a professional level, where the subject becomes more than a passion and a hobby, it becomes a job role, and I can take part in bigger productions either on stage or screen.

Why is this course for me?
     Personally I feel this is course for me because it understands its students, where their coming from, what they’d like to do, and how far they’d would like to progress in the course.  This course has seen many, now famous actors/actresses, take this course to the level of a professional job role and have gone the extra mile to succeed.  The course also has many supporting classes and modules all to back up the final course work and expand their students understanding of the industry so if they did reach a professional standard they know what other skills they can rely on, should any problems in their career back fires.  But mainly I feel this course offers more opportunities than many acting courses/universities do.  It also supports my current skills and ambitions, as I’ve always wanted to take my acting to the next level, and see if I can gain any new skills by exploring and taking part in their supporting classes to further educate me in the vast world of performing arts.
     Location wise, as I stated previously, may become an issue but all in all, in a way, I see it as another positive.  Because it is located in our capital city, I do get the feeling of success as all the famous British actors might have studied and performed in those local acting schools/universities, and who knows they could be the homes of the next big hit rising star actors.
     Financially speaking it may be an issue as well, as it is no different from every other University prices, but the circumstances may change over time.  But all in all I feel extremely positive about potentially taking part in this course, as it seems to have a positive outcome, as well as receiving positive reviews about the Universities settings and teachers, whom much like the student have a strong passion for their course and give others full support towards succession.

Post Training       
     Further education wise, should I need it before taking part in any professional courses I do feel the need to look at any possible local drama schools.  In the hope that I could receive any further understanding of practical and/or academicals course work, this I feel would boost my opportunities for when it came to further extend to a professional standard.
     For my career aims I wish to set the goal to get job roles in any stage and/or screen production roles, whether it is at the beginners starting point of assisting back stage/set or gaining a professional career resulting in taking one of the lead roles on stage and performing.  All this, I feel, is achievable given the position I am currently in, still in education and further expanding my understanding of acting.  Then possibly taking it to a professional standard to do what I love doing.
     Has the course set me up for a career?  Personally I feel the course I am currently in is giving me stepping stones towards a career.  As it give me my final overall grades, giving me qualifications, and allows me to put those achievements onto my actors CV and apply for any future roles concerning acting roles and performing arts roles.  Plus it might give me opportunities to quickly expand to professional standards, but once I do achieve what I can then I hope to take part in professional courses and productions, so one day I can for fill my dreams of becoming an actor on stage and screen.    

1 comment:

  1. This is a very thorough research blog that will prove very beneficial to you next year when applying for drama schools/universities.
