Saturday 27 September 2014

Week Two Part Four - Five Year Plan

Five Year Plan
1 – I Am Here…  What Skills Do I Already Have?

-          Current Courses
     In my current course I take part in the Level 3 Extended Diploma Acting course, expanding my understanding of acting, and receiving more experiences on stage, and beginning experience towards screen acting.

-          What Grades do I have?
     From previous courses and education I have received a C in my GCSE drama course from secondary school.  This began my education of what it is like to take part in productions and how to research behind the staging, performances, costumes, and many more all of which do come in handy for the Performing Arts Industry.  Another grade I have received in the past, or recently, I have gained a Distinction Star from taking Level 2 BTEC Acting course at my first year at college.  This extended my education/understanding of the Performing Arts Industry and gave me more experiences on stage.  As well as it allowing me to break down layers upon layers of research in which comes in handy very well for courses in general to receive the top grade.

-          What have I Covered in College
     What I have covered in college so far has a range of skills which support my wishful ambition to take a career as an actor.  Simply beginning with building my confidence on stage to a new level where a feel comfortable working in a group of people where no one is “the one”, we are all in the same boat and we are there to enjoy our time on stage.  I have also covered opportunities to take part in a range of other Performing Arts subjects, such as being able to take assignment pieces involving singing and dancing, all to back up my final grade and see if there was another course I liked in comparison to acting.  All of which I enjoyed vastly, but still set my goals for an acting career.  Although I feel this has given me an chance to understand what it is like to take on various modules, so if the opportunity came for a University offer I would know I am capable of taking on various subjects to achieve a high final grade.

-          Extra-Curricular Experience
     Similarly to what I have covered in college my Extra-Curricular stand as taking part in acting, dancing and singing roles.  All these curricula’s show what I have taken on board in the past and if I am capable of taking on various other curricula’s in the future.

-          What Skills do I have?
     Over the course of the time in my education in acting I have been able to receive and understand what skills I have achieved and kept for future.  My first set of skills could be listed as gaining social confidence, which comes in handy when meeting new members of the acting course.  My second skill lists as being able to learn scripted lines for productions; in the past I have struggled, but over time and particularly in my college courses I have learnt a technique in which makes learning a script easier and enjoyable.  A third skills in which, again, I have developed in my previous year at college, is committing to doing a decent amount of research towards my given play, whether for my character, or for the plot.  Finally my forth essential skill can be listed as having the ability to listen and take instructions from my teacher/lecturer or even the plays director; I listen carefully so I can understand and make it come so it is to my, and my teacher/lecturer/directors, liking.

-          What Skills, Qualities and Experience do I lack/not have yet?
     When it comes to my skills, I suppose it could they could be developed to a better standard so it may become more professional for future reference.  But when it comes to experiences I have not yet taken, it could be my lack of screen, backstage and musical theatre experiences.  For example, I haven’t experienced any screen acting and do not yet understand its principles, but this is something I wish to develop and understand, as screen acting is one area I would like to achieve.  In the past I have taking role backstage of college productions, but not to a professional standard where I fully understand my job role and how to make/keep the production at a successful and professional standard towards its audience and director.  Once again I have stated I have taken assignments in which explore singing and dancing on stage, but I have not yet experienced that at a professional level, which could lead to another key strength/skill/experience I could list on my actors CV.

2 – My Career Aim(s)/Aspiration(s)

-          What do I want to do?  What does this job role involve?
     One of my all-time dreams/ambitions is to become a stage and screen actor.  Having experienced many stage production roles I would like to extend any education and knowledge I already have and turn it into a professional job role.  Now this job role requires experience and understanding of what I am to do with a performing, or back stage, role so it can result in a successful production.  But the job role involves various offers towards the performing arts industry, whether it is a large performing role on stage, or if it’s another job required back stage assisting, or if it’s a simple job role starting point where you would have the role of handing out drinks to cast or crew members.  Either way it all comes down to the experience or skills written on your CV that gains you job role you wanted.  Therefore I wish to receive good grades and understanding of the many job role areas in the performing arts industry so I can for fill my dream and become a professional stage and/or screen actor.

-          What Skills/Experience do I need to do this?
     Skills wise I would need to be able to work in the production company’s conditions and be able to adapt to their working timetable, and exceed to their expectations of what they require of me in my job role.  Meaning if I had a performing role I would have to learn my script and character inside out for the main performance.  The same can be said for a backstage job role as I would have to understand what I would have to do and if I could do it decently enough for the main performance.  Although when it comes to the experience I would have to know what is expected of me and if I can adapt to their working conditions to suit their needs and make their stage productions a success.   

1 comment:

  1. This is a very thorough research blog that will prove very beneficial to you next year when applying for drama schools/universities.
