Saturday 14 May 2016

'Auditions for Actors' - Vocal Programme

Vocal Development Programme –
‘Auditions for Actors’ Performance Assignment
Tuesday 10th May 2016
Exercise Used
-          Facial Warmup
-          and “Why fly so high” rhyme
Vocal Characteristics
-          Crisp
-          Throat resonated
-          Quiet
-          Throat resonated
-          Articulate
-          Strong
Vocal Reflection
‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’:
-          Articulate – when projecting Shakespearean text.
-          Paced – to show character’s thought process.
-          Husky – to show character’s status and occupation (clown).

‘The Seagull’:
-          Articulate – to show character’s high status, education, and understanding of the English language.
-          Distorted – to show the character’s hesitation in expressing their opinion.
-          Emphasised – particularly on words like “theatre” and “love” to show disgust.

‘Kiss Me Like You Mean It’:
-          Shaky – to show the character’s nervous state.
-          Clipped – to show hesitation to speak his mind.
-          Neutral Tone and Pitch – to show innocence and low social status.
Received Feedback
-          Good pacing
-          Clear diction (through understanding of the texts)
-          and Good and clear projection.
-          Pacing
-          Transitioning from one vocal state to the other
-          Emphasising certain scripted words
-          and Projecting.
Areas of Improvement
I aim to rehearse the scripted texts, and practice more vocal exercises to increase my overall vocal performance abilities.

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