Saturday 18 October 2014

Week Six Part Three - Personal Statement

Personal Statements

Course Title: LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) BA (Hons) Professional Acting

     I particularly like the looks of this course because it takes place over three years and it explores various performing strategies.  Strategies such as improvisation, voice, movement, as well as audio and screen acting.  These practical subjects interest me because I would like learn and develop these skills, to my own advantage, and use them particularly for the courses production assignments.
     Not only will I take part in practical subjects and exercises within the course, I will be introduced to the academicals sides to the course.  As BA (Hons) Professional Acting, academically explores textural analysis, of plays and monologues, all to assist in the practical assignments.  Not only that, but the course also takes extra practical strategies and thought provoking exercises such as physical theatre, and the Alexander Technique.  This will all link and lead to the courses main performances, and give me new skills for any future work.
     By taking part in this course I would be able to cover various areas in the performing arts industry (experiencing stage, screen and audio acting), and it would increase my understanding and usage of these particular areas to a professional status.  Plus I would naturally be able to bring these skills to life, myself, and develop them, making my ambitions of a career in acting seem clearer and closer to succeeding.

     But through my experiences in both my school and college drama work, I have gained many memories worth treasuring.  I began with small parts in my school plays, and then decided to work towards larger roles, and expand my understanding of acting and the performing arts industries.  Introducing me to the academicals sides of acting and meeting new people and boosting my confidence to taking part in many entertaining exercises, has extended this hobby of mine, to a passion.  This passion of mine has made me eager to take to a professional career in acting.
     My experiences have also taken me to take part in many other production roles on and off stage.  On stage I have taken part in dance movement and singing roles, offering me experiences in other performing roles within the industry.  Plus a past hobby of ice skating introduced me to the world of ‘show business’, and began my abilities of movement.  But working back stage on productions, such as pantomimes, taking roles such as “deputy stage manager”, it introduced me to the organisation and preparation to bring a play to life. 

     Outside of my school and college experiences, I have many interests which link towards my passion and love for acting.  I particularly enjoy watching and learning about movies and various other forms of entertainment.  This interest of mine has vastly inspired me, to one day stand on a stage or movie set and deliver a professional and entertaining performance.
     Another interest and hobby of mine which I enjoy taking part in, is outdoor Scouting adventures.  I love the sense of adventure, I love exploring, and I love taking part in many physical activities.  Therefore I would love the thought of taking a University course that is away from my home, increasing the sense of nature and taking me away from my comfort zone so I can extend to do any future production work all over the place.  Plus Scouting is all about team work and I feel perfectly capable of working in a team with old and/or new friends to succeed in our plans.

     My work experiences does take me away, slightly from the performing arts industries, but I do see some elements of my current job occupation coming in handy for my acting.  As I part time at a children’s indoor play centre, called ‘Playzone’, as this has given me many experiences.  I have learnt to develop my understanding of working with a large group of people and maintain control amongst an even larger group of people in order to achieve a good day.  Plus there has come times where I have had to provide entertainment, and memorise certain food and drink orders.  This I feel has boosted my own confidence and indicated elements which can come in handy for production work (in entertaining an audience and memorising a script). 

     Recently, my best achievements have been gained through LAMDA experiences and through my part time job.  Being introduced to an actor’s grading criteria for performing, it has given me the opportunities to develop my own performing strategies, and give me an eagerness to achieve the best I can.  Plus my work experiences give me an eagerness to achieve my jobs to the best extent I can.  Both circumstances have been rewarding for me and I like to keep these senses of organisation and eagerness to complete all given tasks to my best potential. 
     All of these achievements, I am proud to say I have gained throughout my time at work and in acting/show business.  Therefore I wish to take part in this professional acting course to gain more skills and understanding of performing arts and succeed to the best of my potential and for fill my ambitions of a career in acting.  


  1. I have provided observational feedback on all first drafts (Business work) via email. Please make amendments before the assignment deadline.

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