Friday 17 October 2014

'13' Blog 4 (Part Two): Rehearsals

Rehearsals and Development
Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th October 2014

     Continuing our rehearsal process we began to look at bringing stage direction and develop characters, to bring the sense of realism to life in our early stages or rehearsing ‘13’.

Learning Lines:
     Using a verbal technique I am able to physically memorise my lines using only my muscle memories.  But once I began to learn my speech I had to change my speaking pattern.  As to begin with I spoke in a robotic voice, in order to enhance my muscle memories, so I turned to the Transitive Verbs.
     Looking particularly at my speech I selected five verbs, to bring a better understanding of my character’s objective in that particular scene.  These five verbs were:
·         Involve
·         Guide
·         Distract
·         Twist
·         and Identify

     I thought these five words summarised my characters objective in his speech.  Because his goal is to make his crowd of people see belief in a different point of view. 
     Hence “Twist” their perspective on that particular subject matter, and “Distract” them from reality to fully embrace and “Involve” his audience.   So by my character “Identifying” these points he can “Guide” them and make his future scenes all the more interesting for audience members.
     I only managed to focus on this particular scene, but I was pleased with what I achieved, and I was eager to bring these emotions and singular verb objectives to life for my performance.

Staging Act Two:
     Our main area of concern was how we were to stage the scene changes throughout Act Two.  Now we had worked on all thirteen scenes in Act Two, and now it was time to begin a full run through of the Act.
     We used stage craft techniques, such as the circular formation, and the use of the imaginary plate, to increase movement and meaning to the scene.  Plus it allowed us opportunities to work on our characterisation and vocally give meaning to an extent where the particular scene was convincing and exceeded expectations.
     I thought this was an excellent run thorough because I had come to develop my character and get an understanding of what the movement in the play would be like.  All of which made my ambitions grow and made me extremely eager to continue rehearsals and begin production to bring this play to life.  
     More on this as well develop our production of ‘13’.

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