Tuesday 5 April 2016

Audio Analysis

Audio Analysis

Radio Drama

     Mike Bartlett’s ‘Cock’, starring Ben Whishaw: https://soundcloud.com/delilahdevinkaufman/bbc-radio-3-presents-mike

Sound Effects – Because of this play’s naturalistic style and focus on the character’s relationships, the background sound effects are not as visible as various other radio plays.  While in contrast, a radio play would use sound to enhance the environment picture.  But in this play it is used to a good effect where the audience is more intrigued by what the characters look like and has a decent idea of where they are.

Use of Music – Similarly to the sound effects, there is little to no music in this radio play, and this comes to a great effect.  With the minor uses of music and sound effects and the major use of vocal performance, audiences are instantly engaged to the tone, characters, and atmosphere of this play.  This dark, and rather depressing, matter that the play covers suits the silent and slowly paced structure of the radio performance.

Effectiveness – I felt that the audio performances were exceptionally effective.  I was intrigued by the characters relationships and their development throughout the play.  Plus with the performer’s relationship to the microphone, I really got the sense of the character’s surroundings and the emotional weight that pushes the characters throughout the play.   

Did the programme hold your interest? – Yes, I wanted to know where the characters were going to go, and what the conclusion would hold.

Did the programme create the right atmosphere? – I personally pictured a dull atmosphere that reflected and best suited the dark tone and character traits of the play.

Audio Book

      Audio Book extract from the novelization of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv-WpM9Dvqc

Sound Effects – I personally found that the use of sound effects in this audio extract was over-used.  While the audio quality isn’t at the best of standards, I found it rather hard to contrast between the reader and environment sounds.  While the sound effects were effective in the sense that they would help the audience picture the fantasy environment.  However they were also a negative as they could distract the audience from the narrative and story details spoken by the reader/narrator.

Use of Music – Similarly to the sound effects, the use of music was over-used.  While a little more effective, in the fact that music built to enhance tension and the arrival of villainous characters, all in all it still offered as a distraction to the main narration.

Effectiveness – While the quality of the sound wasn’t up to high standards, and the quantity of sounds effects were overused, I still found myself intrigued by the narrator.  I found his ability to contrast vocally between narrator and character was used to a great effect where I wanted to listen to more.

Did the programme hold your interest? – Yes, the narrator’s vocal adaptability was used to a great effect I wanted him to read on so I could hear the rest of the story.

Did the programme create the right atmosphere? – Yes, while overused the sound effects and music did their purpose and created the environment of the fantasy world.  Backed up with the narrator emphasis on key words or lines of dialogue I was rather invested in this story.

Talk Show

     BBC Norfolk 'New Comedy Show': http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03ks27m#play

Sound Effects – The use of sound effects in this comedy radio talk show came to really good effect.  While on some occasions it may be overused, I found it supported the shows light hearted tone and environment.  Often used during transitions and/or for joke purposes, the sound effects I felt were used to a very good effect.

Use of Music – In contrast to sound effects, the use of music was brought to a minimal.  While some music was used to introduce new guests, or to enhance a joke, or take a break away from the interviews, it was not as prominent.  Again, I felt this was to a good effect, because it kept audience members focused on the interviews/conversations of focus.

Effectiveness – Because of the performers attention to detail and vocal connection with the microphones the comedy was only enhanced.

Did the programme hold your interest? – Yes, I found myself enjoying the jokes and conversations between these various personalities thanks to their connection with the audience, or in this case the microphones.  What I admired the most was their vocal range and adaptability that was the perfect quit for this talk, all to the extent where it wasn’t overwhelming for the audience.

Voice Reel

     Thomas Martin RADA Student voice reel: https://www.rada.ac.uk/profiles?aos=acting&yr=2016&fn=thomas&sn=martin

Sound Effects – With Thomas Martin’s vocal adaptability and infliction I personally found that there was no need for sound effects.  I was invested by his performance, so much so, that I felt there was no need to enhance the scene with the use of sound effects.

Use of Music – Again, much like the sound effects, there was no music involved and/or needed.

Effectiveness – I was particularly fond of Thomas Martin’s performance adaptability, in taking on a range of various characters and settings, and his connection with the microphone was used to an effective state where I wanted to see his performance abilities in person.  His character infliction and projection range brought investment into the characters and story, resulting in me wanted to hear more from the voice reel.

Did the programme hold your interest? – Yes, I was amazed by Thomas Martin’s vocal performance and enjoyed listening to the monologues/speeches.

Did the programme create the right atmosphere? – Yes, I felt his performance ability was used to an exceptional level that I had a clear image of each of the monologues/speeches environments and I wanted to see/hear more.  Plus I felt it was used to a good effect where the environmental picture wasn’t distracting audiences from the main purpose of the voice reel.  The main purpose being to show Thomas Martin’s vocal performance abilities, and it succeeded.

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