Tuesday 1 July 2014

End of Year One

Level 2 Completed

Tuesday 1st July 2014
     That's a wrap!  It has been a long and entertaining year, but I have successfully completed my first year on the course of Level 2 (Acting) Performing Arts BTEC Diploma.  I have found this last year to be a brilliant and unique experience.  Leaving the course with an achieved overall grade of Distinction Star, I am proud to say this has also been a grand education experience, extending my understand of the performing arts.  Not only that, but I feel proud to have met new people with the same ambitions as I have, and in meeting I have made new friends with the potential to go far in this industries.
     As I finish up my first set of blogs I say farewell for now and next time I shall update blogs focusing on my next year on the course of performing arts: Performing Arts Level 3 Extended Diploma.  Until then, farewell.

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