Thursday, 24 October 2013

Scaramouche Jones Week 4

Editing and Rehearsals

The forth week in preparation towards our 'Scaramouche Jones' assignment, and this week began with a slight change.  Within mid rehearsal a unfortunate event occurred amongst our tutor group.  Unfortunately two members of the tutor group left the course, therefore leaving only ten members of the group and more editing to be made to the script.  With certain scenes and dialogue being cut, in order to have a fair amount of time in the performance and have each member of the group to have an equal amount of lines to learn.  As well as having to split two pieces of dialogue, which were to be said by the two members who left the course, amongst ourselves to ensure that the pieces were not cut entirely.  This resulted in certain members having to say more than one piece of dialogue, which is just like having to learn two monologues.  My part in 'Scaramouche Jones' remained to be the same, except my part to close the play was extended.
     Once the editing was complete we continued with rehearsals.  This weeks rehearsal was to simply focus on people who hadn't practised their parts, on stage, and explore the dialogue to see how we could present the chorus.  Alongside this was the members of the chorus focusing more deeper into the use of movement and speech.  After observing a chorus at work with a lot more use of speech and little movement, we decided to experiment on certain pieces of dialogue.  Where lines were said and we all would have a conversation on whether we should highlight this line through use of speech and whisper.  Also the use of movement was to used a lot more in certain dialogue, such as the use of physically changing the characters position on stage; moving him from front centre stage to back centre stage.
     In summary this whole week was taken over by a vast amount of editing the script and rehearsing to ensure each member of the group would be able to give the best performance possible.  Whether they are on stage representing the character or the chorus.  Along with looking at how to highlight their individual personality's to show the audience that the chorus is just like the characters inner clown and presents his thoughts and feelings.  As well as looking at how the characters dialogue is interesting and intriguing to the chorus, which will catch the audiences attention.  I think this week was helpful as the constant rehearsal will insure that we are all fully prepared and organised for our main performance; and half term ensure that we have full time to practise in our own spare time.  The performance shall take place on Thursday 14th November at 7pm and the second and final performance shall be on Friday 15th November at 1pm.

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